Aldermen approve window beer sales at local bistro

Published 7:00 am Thursday, February 22, 2018

Poplarville’s Board of Aldermen approved a request from a local business to sell beer from a drive through window after dealing with the installation of a gate across a public road

Before the Board got to the business’ request, the members spoke to four-year Poplarville resident Donald Catherman, about a gate he erected across West Scott Street near his home.

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Catherman said he needs the fence to protect his property. His argument was that erecting a gate across the street was more cost-efficient than putting up fencing around his entire property. Since the road comes to a dead-end, Catherman argued that he should be allowed to leave the gate up since no one drives to his end of the road.

“It doesn’t make any common sense to me at all, why that gate would bother anybody” Catherman said. 

The meeting quickly became heated when Board members disagreed with Catherman, stating that regardless of the circumstances, it was not within his rights to erect a gate across public property.

As Catherman began to argue with Board members, Police Chief Butch Raby was forced to interject and ask Catherman to lower his voice.

“Here is the bottom line, I understand that you want to protect your property, I want to protect my property just like anybody else in here does, but what you have done is place a gate across public property” Mayor Rossie Creel said, putting an end to the matter.

“Go ahead and take legal action or whatever you’ve gotta do, because I’m not taking my gate down,” Catherman said.

Because the gate had been erected illegally, the Board voted in favor of having it removed from city property.

In regards to necessary repairs to a water line on Old Wiggins Highway, the Board voted in favor of accepting ABC Utility Company, Inc.’s bid of $42,615 to begin the work.

It was decided that the money would be drawn from reserves.

Daddy Mac’s Hilltop Bistro, LLC’s owner Jamie R. Holliday requested that he be allowed to sell beer or light wine through his drive-up or curbside service. Voting for the move was Anne Gendusa Smith and Tony Smith, Sr., with Margaret Ann Smith and Shirley Wiltshire voting against. Alderman Kevin Tillman abstained. The tied vote was broken by Creel’s aye vote. 

During the meeting, the Board approved motions for two events. A request to hold the Keep Poplarville Beautiful campaign was approved and will be held on April 21 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. Associated fees with using City Park’s pavilions and gazebo were waived.

One event will be held on March 28, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and will raise awareness of autism and other disabilities. The fees for using the City Park pavilions and gazebo were waived for this event as well.

Kevin L. Tillman was voted to replace Tony Smith as the city’s Chamber of Commerce representative.

Finally, the Board approved three strategic plan workshops to take place at City Hall. The workshops will be held March 13, April 24, and May 8 from 4 – 6:30 p.m.

The next Board meeting will be March 6, at 5 p.m. in City Hall.