Mississippi does have a lot to offer
Published 7:00 am Thursday, January 11, 2018
As residents of the Magnolia State, we are aware that Mississippi is regularly listed as being on top in most negative categories and typically last in the positive categories. We’ve been categorized as obese, poor, racist and unemployed.
But those of us who live in this state know better. While some of us may need to get off the couch to get more exercise, we are hard- working, intelligent, friendly and we enjoy a relatively low cost of living.
Our state’s governor, Phil Bryant, feels the same. During a recent public address, he said as much. “The proverbial critics would have you believe that (Mississippi) is a declining state whose people are suffering mightily,” Bryant said during the speech.
However, our state’s leading politician feels Mississippi is on its way up.
“It is inhabited with caring, hard-working people of all races and ages who strive valiantly every day to make this wonderful state a better place to live and raise our children,” he said.
It’s reassuring to hear that Bryant sees Mississippi as being in a stage of progress. That fact can be backed up with an average unemployment rate that is on par with the national average. Additionally, two of the three school districts within Pearl River County recently received high marks in spite of declining funding from the state level. This is where we hope Bryant follows suit with his promises made during the speech. Bryant said that education is at the top of his list of priorities, and that includes finding a way to better fund our education system by rewriting the current funding formula.
In that regard we hope his efforts don’t further cut funding to our schools. While the Mississippi Adequate Education Program has not been fully funded for the majority of the years it’s been in place, changing the formula will mean little if it’s not adhered to or if it means less funding to an area that does need to see growth.