PRC cafeteria staff bring home 1st place awards
Published 7:00 am Friday, December 1, 2017
(This story has been updated to correct the fact that Whitney Miller was not a judge at the state competition)
Two members of Pearl River County School District cafeteria staff brought home awards from their participation in the annual Mississippi School Nutrition Association Conference, held at the Mississippi Gulf Coast Convention Center from Nov. 2 to Nov. 5.
Representatives from Pearl River Central Elementary and Pearl River Middle and High School cafeterias participated in several competitions at this year’s conference and placed in three categories.
Tina Farrell and Myra Smith, cafeteria managers at the District’s two campuses, brought home first prize in the storyboard and school meal tray presentation competitions respectively.
“We are so proud of winning among so many competitors and are very happy for our staff’s achievements,” Sheila Amacker, food service administrator for the Pearl River County School District, said.
This is the fourth consecutive time that Farrell placed in the competition. Her entry for the storyboard category employed the theme “What are we doing to bridge the gap between child nutrition and academics,” won first prize.
“It feels great to have won again and I am truly honored,” Farrell said.
Smith won first prize for her picture of an appetizing meal tray that included a composition about how the tray was nutritional and appealing. Smith also placed third in the storyboard competition.
The final competition was the cupcake war, where Farrell won for the theme, taste and appearance of her cupcake.
The event featured speakers from across the state who gave presentations about their perspectives on the importance of a well-structured nutrition program in schools. Over 250 vendors showcased foods, products and specialty items that could be used in school cafeterias.
“I feel such conferences come at a time when child nutrition is a subject that requires our attention. It’s a great time to meet vendors from across the state, come back loaded with ideas and utilize it within our cafeterias to provide the best to our children,” Amacker said.