Find a cause to donate your time to
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Pearl River County is fortunate in a number of ways, not the least of which is the generosity of its residents to pitch in to help those in need.
These folks donate time and energy to a plethora of charitable entities. From the visible and established churches, clubs and organizations to the behind the scenes efforts specific to helping one individual, these citizens selflessly give their time and money in myriad ways without any desire for personal recognition.
But, we should not expect someone else to always step up and intervene for every cause. Although there are many volunteers, many more are needed.
If you are looking to get involved, there are a number of volunteering opportunities available to suit your specific interests and schedule.
Or, with a little creativity, you can initiate an effort to assist in ways perhaps others have not thought of.
For example, a local individual had an idea to provide children in the area with a centralized location for trick or treating. This year that event provided a fun, safe Halloween to over 3,000 children at Friendship Park. This successful venture was accomplished through donations provided by civic groups, businesses and individuals, but it started with an idea.
Another example is the effort currently underway to renovate the home of a 91-year-old veteran through donations and volunteer hours.
Last weekend, donations were accepted during a can shake and there is a bake sale planned for Saturday.
This gentleman served our country in World War II, two additional wars and two conflicts and truly is in need.
So, it might take some time to find the right fit for your time and talent, but once you decide what you really enjoy, jump right in.
Doing something positive to help others can be uplifting and rewarding, and it’s easier than you think.