Be careful what types of treats you give to pets

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, November 29, 2017

During the holidays we enjoy large meals where the centerpiece is a large piece of meat that still has bones.

After that meal, we may feel inclined to give into the soulful looks our pets use to beg for just a bit of turkey or the bone from the ham.

Often our eyes zre bigger than our stomachs when preparing our plates during the holidays, and instead of setting aside the leftovers for lunch the next day, the dog of the house may benefit.

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Though Thanksgiving has passed, Christmas is right around the corner, which involves many of the same foods.

In the past we have been told by many people that large bones are safe for dogs, and a bit of turkey never hurt a dog or cat.

However, we should refrain from giving into to our pet’s begging and find safer treats to ensure they live a longer life.

But even after the holidays pass, these tips can be useful year round.

According to, any cooked bone is not safe for dogs.

That’s because cooked bones are more susceptible to splintering when chewed, creating small, sharp pieces of bone that can choke the animal.

Even if they successfully ingest the shards, their sharp edges can create issues for the animal’s mouth and digestive system.

If you must give your dog a bone, ensure it’s raw and the right size for your breed of dog.

While suggests that a safer alternative is a commercially purchased bone, Newsweek published a story this week that states the FDA recently found a number of commercially available dog bones are not safe and can in fact be deadly to your pet, either because they contain harmful chemicals or due to splintering.

While you are at it, avoid giving your dog chocolate, peppermints and alcohol and avoid allowing your cat to play with tinsel, since the Christmas tree decoration can cause digestive issues if ingested.