Check the label before you buy
Published 7:00 am Thursday, October 12, 2017
Changing the oil and maintaining its level in your vehicle’s engine is one of the most important things we can do to ensure these costly investments stay on the road.
At times we may decide to skimp on the kind of oil we buy, or may be stuck somewhere with limited options.
While buying cheap oil is always a bad idea, it seems to have been an even worse option if that oil was the store brand purchased from a Dollar General store, carrying the name DG.
That’s because, according to a lawsuit filed by the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office, the company utilized deceptive business practices to hide the fact that the oil offered in the stores was designed only to be used in older engines. Instead of placing the warning on the front, it was on the back of the bottle.
If the customer was diligent, they would have found a warning on the back stating that the oil was only to be used in engines manufactured before 1988, and in some cases before 1930.
Some car enthusiasts may still drive a vehicle manufactured from those eras, but the majority of us drive newer vehicles with much greater needs from its motor oil.
If those oils were poured into a newer engine, then damage or loss of power was said to occur, the lawsuit states.
And Mississippi is not the only state suing Dollar General; a story in a Gulf Coast newspaper states that New Mexico has filed a similar suit. While the Mississippi Attorney General’s Office is pretty sure the oil is no longer on Dollar General shelves in the state, customers should be cautious when purchasing budget motor oil, no matter the business or location.
To be sure the motor oil you are buying will protect your car by reading the label carefully, front to back. It might cost a bit more, but investing a couple of dollars in the oil you buy will ensure your engine runs at peak performance.