Public library to host etiquette classes and tea party

Published 7:00 am Friday, July 21, 2017

Pearl River County Library System Director Carol Phares said she is “overjoyed” to offer a manners course at the library to teach children ages 9-13 proper etiquette.
Through four different classes, scheduled for July 25, 27 and August 1 and 12, children will learn one of the following; how to set a formal table, utilize proper table manners, learn how to politely introduce guests, gain experience in writing modern thank you notes and learn how to decorate a cake and arrange flowers.
“We haven’t done something like this in a long time here at the library, but some of the Friends of the [Margaret Reed Memorial] Library have been involved in manners courses for the past couple of years so their experience will be very beneficial to the children,” Phares said.
Each participating child will receive an American Girl manners book, “A Smart Girl’s Guide, Manners, the Secret to Grace, Confidence and Being Your Best” and the opportunity to formally serve tea to family and friends on the final day of the course, August 12. While the book is geared towards girls, Phares said boys are welcome to attend the class.
Classes will run on the scheduled days from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Margaret Reed Crosby Memorial Library. On August 12, the formal tea party will begin at 2 p.m. in Holland Hall and is estimated to end at 4 p.m., Phares said.
“It’s important for children to learn all of these mannerisms because you never know when it might come in handy. Everything we will teach them could be used to impress people for the rest of their lives and have a leg up on those that did not learn formal etiquette,” she said.
The cost to participate in the manners course is $20 per child and covers all of the classes. Children are encouraged to participate in all of the classes. The proceeds will go toward purchasing pre-teen literature for the library.
During the formal tea party, Phares said the children will showcase what they learned, set the tables and serve formal tea to guests. It costs $15 per guest to attend the tea party. Phares said there are about 50 spots for the tea party.
“The best part about this is seeing how much the children have learned and grown up in such a short amount of time. They have a blast serving. It’s a fun experience for the whole family,” Phares said.
For more information, call 601-798-5081.

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