Shirley Wiltshire announces candidacy for Poplarville Alderman
Published 9:46 am Thursday, May 18, 2017
- Wiltshire
Special to the Item
My name is Shirley Wiltshire, and I formally announce my candidacy for re-election as alderman for the city of Poplarville.
I served as extension home economist from 1976 to 2002 with Mississippi State University Extension Service in Pearl River, Lamar and Claiborne Counties.
I have lived in Poplarville the past 21 years and in the Poplarville area since 1988. I have one son, Beau, and three beautiful grandchildren.
I am graduate of Holmes Community College and Mississippi State University with a Bachelor’s degree in Home Economics and Master’s in Extension Education.
I am an active member of First Baptist Church where I teach Sunday School, serve as Women’s Mission Union Director, play handbells, and serve on various committees.
I am involved in the Blueberry Jubilee Council, Poplarville Woman’s Club, Poplarville Garden Club, and Pine Belt Quilters Guild, Mississippi Quilt Association, and Emergency Operations Center Donations Co-Coordinator.
I have also served on the Poplarville Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Poplarville Planning Commission, Farm Bureau County Board of Directors, Pearl River County Fair Board, Pearl River Valley Opportunity Board of Directors and work with Partners for Pearl River County to support the Leadership Class.
As County Home Economist and County Extension Director, I worked to develop programs in the areas of community development that included family and consumer sciences, litter, tourism, and leadership development.
During my time as Alderman, I completed the requirements for basic, advanced and professional development to become a certified municipal official, focusing on municipal organization, law, finance, and land use, economic development and community development, leadership, personnel management, and other issues.
Resources and programs provided through the Mississippi Municipal League and other agencies has helped me help Poplarville maintain, retain, and grow but keep our small town atmosphere.
As Alderman, I helped our city overcome Katrina, completed an annexation and downtown sidewalks, and make the library, city park and City Hall ADA complaint. Water lines have been extended to provide commercial development, and we are actively working to clean unsafe properties.
City park has new playground equipment, splash pad, restrooms, gazebo, extended walking track through collaborative efforts with Poplarville Rotary, Mississippi Power, Lower Pearl River Valley Foundation, Board of Supervisors, Poplarville Woman’s Club and businesses leaders.
I have been actively involved with the Lunch and Learn series sponsored by Pearl River Community College and Poplarville Area Chamber of Commerce.
The Mississippi Development Authority completed an asset mapping of our city and Stennis Institute completed a first impression study.
Other successes include forming the Poplarville Historical Preservation Society, a webpage and social media presence, and getting Poplarville Excel By 5 certified. The Stennis Institute invited the city along with four other cities to participate in strategic doing training.
The city’s strategic doing team goal is to make downtown Poplarville more active and vibrant. One of the goals is encouraging businesses to adopt planters and maintain them.
I look forward to the opportunity to continue working to improve our quality of life by working with individuals, civic groups, businesses and other government agencies.
I appreciate your consideration when you vote Tuesday, June 6.