Flu season persists through warm weather
Published 7:00 am Friday, April 21, 2017
It may seem a little late to be asking this question, but did you get your flu shot?
If not, it’s never too late.
Sure, the temperatures are rising with each passing day and we are actually in spring, not winter.
But what you may not have realized is that flu season lasts for another month.
Earlier this week the Mississippi State Department of Health released a statement that the second pediatric death from the influenza virus occurred in the state.
This time it was in the southern region. The first pediatric death occurred in the central part of the state.
Influenza affects the very young and elderly more than young adults. People with health conditions are also at risk. So these people should take extra precautions.
Officially, flu season occurs from October to May each year, so there’s still a chance that someone you know could come down with the virus.
The first line of defense is to get a flu shot, but there are other ways to protect yourself.
Keep in mind that the virus is spread through the droplets of water small enough to be airborne.
So, if you believe you are coming down with the flu, it’s best to stay home and avoid passing it on to others.
It’s also important to keep in mind that it takes about two days for symptoms to show up after contact.
So while you may feel fine after being around someone who had the flu, you could still pass it on to others while it’s incubating.
To help protect others, when the urge to cough or sneeze comes on, cover your mouth and nose.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests using a tissue while doing this so it can be tossed in the trash after use.
And if for some reason you do come down with the flu, take the antiviral medication prescribed to you.
It will significantly shorten your recovery time.