Fortifying adulthood
Published 7:00 am Thursday, March 16, 2017
Adulting can be a bit stressful at times as multiple responsibilities hinder your every move. But after you come home from your 9-5 job, pay the rent, car payments, and everything else that makes you feel like a grown up, I believe it is necessary to take a step back and find your inner child, even if it’s just for one night.
Many people go through their early adult years thinking the fun is behind them, a memory only to be seen again in the rearview mirror. I am here to tell you that is a myth.
Adults that never lose their energetic child display a more vibrant demeanor and carry that through their entire life.
There is an overabundance of activities to do, and no, you don’t have to go to the Gulf Coast to participate in them. There are fun activities available Pearl River County that can provide many opportunities to have a blast while putting adulthood on hold.
Personally, I enjoy going out and spending time with my friends, but the expenses that come with it put a limit on the number of those activities. Instead, I find it refreshing to stay at home and participate in a stay-cation, filled with exotic food and fun activities that one wouldn’t normally partake. I try to mimic the activities I remember enjoying as a child. For example, who didn’t go to the pool as a child and make a towel fort around lounge chairs?
It’s an exciting endeavor for any child, blocking out the adults so you could just be a kid. Well, recently, a friend and I made an adult fort inside my house, encompassing the entire living room with overarching bed sheets strategically pinned around the walls and pinched between furniture to make a massive fortress. Once you swayed open the door, the fort was filled with blankets, pillows, games and even the television. The fort not only blocked out the rest of the adult world, it put me in the mindset of a child again, refreshing my childhood charisma.
I urge everyone to find the time to reach back and grab that child from decades ago and enjoy a day to yourself or your loved ones.