Supervisors discuss several maintenance issues in the county
Published 7:00 am Friday, February 24, 2017

The Pearl River County Board of Supervisors discussed ways to make repairs to state aid roads during Wednesday’s meeting.
Photo by Julia Arenstam
This week, the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors continued discussions about how to improve the standard of living in the county.
The Board approved an amendment to the Natural Resources Conservation Service Emergency Watershed Protection grant project to repair seven drainage sites across the county during Wednesday’s meeting.
The amendment was made after NRCS agreed to provide an additional $5,500 in grant funds to cover the cost of the work.
According to previous coverage, the Board awarded the project to TCB Construction Company and Pearl River Paving.
County Engineer Les Dungan said work has already begun on the project, with one site nearing completion.
The Board also approved a request from Dungan to address culvert and base failures discovered on state aid roads during the annual inspection.
Dungan estimated the repairs will cost about $150,000 from state aid funds.
County Road Manager Charlie Schielder said he is looking for experienced asphalt operators to help with resurfacing in the spring. So far, he said he hasn’t received any qualified applicants.
Applications are available at the WIN Job Center in Picayune, Schielder said.
In other matters, county Code Enforcement Officer Kolby Davis said several junkyards have been cleaned up around the county, including one on Holcomb Carroll Road in Carriere.
District IV Supervisor Farron Moeller asked Davis about a property in Nicholson with a blighted mobile home the owner says she cannot afford to have removed.
Davis said unfortunately, the county cannot help remove the mobile home because scrap metal prices are so low, private companies would lose money if they took on the project.
Mississippi State Extension Agent Dr. Eddie Smith also brought up the issue of an unkempt junkyard on Ceasar Road. Davis said the property has over 100 vehicles and is on his cleanup list.
Pearl River County Tax Assessor Gary Beech requested an executive session with the Board to discuss a “stay” on a property at the airport in Picayune.
Beech said the county had a lawsuit over the property a year ago to prevent it from going to tax sale, but now the owner has a new lease with the city of Picayune.
The Board said it would discuss the matter at a later time.
Board Vice President Hudson Holliday recused himself from discussions of a Pearl River County Circuit Court order.
The order requested approval to return a $3,000 bail bond to Paul Bradley Holliday, Hudson Holliday’s son, due to his acquittal on embezzlement charges.
The Board approved the order.
The Board also voted to seek additional bids from architecture firms for future projects.
District II Supervisor Malcolm Perry said he wanted to compare prices with the county’s previously employed firm, Landry and Lewis.
The remaining Board members approved the order.
In other news, the Board:
—Extended a contract with AAA Ambulance Services for another three years.
—Approved the purchase of a mini-split air conditioning unit for the chancery clerk’s office at a cost of $3,960 to address employee complaints.
The Board will meet again on March 6 at 9 a.m.