Furthering education is always possible, no matter the age
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Learning together: From left to right, James Darwin, Annette James and Frank Egger discuss the importance of learning Spanish in today’s world.
Photo by Julia Arenstam
Hola, buenos dias, adios and gracias are only a small glimpse into what some members of the Senior Center of South Pearl River County are learning.
A small group of individuals has gathered for the past couple of years to expand their linguistic abilities.
Annette James, Milly Burge and James Darwin are all members of the Senior Center of South Pearl River County and gather every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon to listen to Spanish lessons.
While they may not be fluent in their new language, “we know enough to be cordial to someone,” James said.
Part of the reason behind learning a second language now is not to help them in their careers, nor travel the world, but taking pleasure in something they didn’t have the opportunity to learn when they were in school.
“We have fun, we’re learning something,” James said. “I’m spending my time advantageously.”
Yet, one member of the group has a long history with foreign languages.
Professor Jim, as Burge calls him, spent years learning Spanish, French and German.
Even with all of those languages under his belt, Darwin became a professor of mathematics at Auburn University, teaching what James called “the universal language.”
Growing up outside of Austin, Texas, Darwin said learning Spanish began at an early age, adding the other two languages to his repertoire during graduate school.
Those skills proved useful during his many travels to Europe, Darwin said, enabling him to communicate better and immerse himself into other cultures.
“I’ve done a lot of things in my life,” he said.
Now, Darwin helps guide the Spanish class along with his new friends.
While Darwin’s life before retirement was filled with international travel, James and Burge had different career and educational experiences.
“I worked for the Army for 20 years” driving a forklift and spent time as a waitress, Burge said.
Learning a second language wasn’t necessary back then, she said.
James said when she was going to school, foreign language classes weren’t offered, and wouldn’t have helped her advance in her career either.
Now, the group said they hear many people in Pearl River County speaking other languages, and try to see if they can pick up on key words and phrases.
The group meets at 1 p.m. at the Senior Center of South Pearl River County on Tuesday and Thursday, depending on other events. The center is located at 45 El Patch Parkway, Picayune and can be reached at 601-798-9892.