Fairy Tale Festival provides live story telling

Published 7:00 am Friday, October 21, 2016

Years ago, Beverly Elston and her sister had a dream of putting together a fall festival for children with themes based on traditional fairy tales. While living in New Orleans, the sisters devoted time into making that dream a reality, hand painting over 10 wooden panels, each with a different fairy tale theme.
Five years ago, Elston relocated to Picayune, but continued to keep the dream alive.
From Oct. 21-23, Elston, president of the Greater Picayune Arts Council, will continue a long tradition of presenting the festival at Jack Read Park in Picayune for the fifth consecutive year.
The Fairy Tale Festival is a family event, which welcomes children dressed in costume to enjoy the festivities from 5-8 p.m. each day. The festival will have a hayride, concessions, live entertainment, carnival games, face painting to compliment costumes, a puppet parade and seven fairy tale readings.
The fairy tale reading is something GPAC participates in each year, but this year the readings are revamped, GPAC Secretary Jamie McDonald said. In previous years, the storytelling involved recordings played through speakers for the children to enjoy. However, this year there will be live storytelling from people dressed in the theme of the respective fairy tale, engaging the children in each tale.
“The fairy tales are going to come to life with our live readers this year,” McDonald said. “We are excited to see the children interact and get involved in the stories.”
Some of the fairy tale themes include Goldilocks, the Three Little Pigs, an authentic puppet show and a Cajun themed Little Red Riding Hood.
The live entertainment during the festival will include a dance performance from X-finity dance studio led by EJae James.
Also, a puppet parade will be led by Mother Goose, played by McDonald, and followed by the children in costumes. At 7 p.m., the children will have a chance to display their creative costumes in a costume show.
“We are so excited every year to host this festival. Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces is what it’s all about,” McDonald said. “It’s just a good way to have some fun for the holiday.”
Admission for the festival is $1 per person, which benefits GPAC.
The Greater Picayune Arts Council would like to welcome everyone to attend. Anyone who wants to get involved with GPAC can send an email to artscouncilpicayune@yahoo.com or email Jamie McDonald at jamiecre8s@ymail.com.

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