It’s very important to vote, part II

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, September 7, 2016

There is a very good book about our Constitution that families should have in their homes to help their children as well as the adults understand the articles and sections of this great document. 

The title is, ‘Our Constitution Rocks” by Juliette Turner.  It is written for persons as young as junior high students to easily comprehend and has some good illustrations. 

I use it as a quick reference since another book that I have on the document has 475 pages. The large book includes debates and reasoning behind why items were and were not included in the document. If you get the smaller book, please get a hard copy and not a downloaded version.  It is always better to hold a book in your hand than an electronic gizmo gadget.

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Not only is it important to vote but we also need to let the people in elected offices know how  we feel about various issues.  If you strongly agree or disagree with someone in office, write and  tell them.  If they never hear from us, they will think that everything they are doing is totally agreeable with all of us. Send  it  snail  mail  and  not  email.

Complaining to each other about taxes or government programs will not solve the problems.  We must notify the people who are in office of our

feelings and suggestions.  Do not think that your voice is not important or that you can not effect change.  I know from personal experience, dating back

to 1967, that we can get the attention of people who are in a position to affect change.   

“Never  doubt  that  a  small  group  of  thoughtful  committed  citizens  can  change  the  world;  indeed,  it’s  the  only  thing  that  ever  has.”  (Margaret Mead  1901-1978  American Anthropologist)

Over the last 245 years or so, thousands upon thousands upon thousands of men and women  sacrificed life or limb to ensure our right and privilege to vote. 

Do not let their sacrifices go  unnoticed or unappreciated.

If  you  have  time  to  go  hunting  or  fishing,  you  have  time  to  vote.

If  you  have  time  to  play  golf  or  tennis,  you  have  time  to  vote.

If  you  have  time  to  shop  until  you  drop,  you  have  time  to  vote.

A  quote  from  Dale  Carnegie

“A man should be more concerned with his character than with his reputation.  A man’s  character is who he really is.  A man’s reputation is only what others think he is!” 

My  comment  added…

A statesman is motivated by his character….a politician is motivated by his reputation. 

We need more statesmen and fewer politicians in office.

A final thought, all of the above information is much more important than all of the minutia that circulates on social media. 

Knowing what color blouse Daisy June wore to work or what kind of cereal Billy Bob Joe had for breakfast will not shape the future of this nation. 

I am very disappointed  that voter apathy (people not caring enough to vote) over several decades has greatly contributed to my granddaughter and great granddaughter not having as nice a place to grow up and live as I enjoyed. 

Future generations deserve for all of us take better care of this nation before passing it on to them.

By Jim Towler