All-around shooter with big aspirations
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, August 3, 2016
With a 4.0 GPA, Eagle Scout rank and a multiple first place winner of shooting competitions, William Gabriel Entrekin is on a path to success.
The 15-year-old Poplarville native is entering the 10th grade at Poplarville High School with hopes of being accepted into Mississippi State University where he plans to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering.
Entrekin has been involved in shooting competitions for about a year and a half and has already won six first place awards. This year, he won first place in his age group for the muzzleloader competitions in Clarke County and Lamar County, won first place overall at the district competition for muzzleloader and won first place at state competition in bottles and critters as well as the 50-yard bulls eye, Entrekin said. At the 4-H State Competition, he also won first overall.
“I really enjoy every aspect of these competitions. I get to take apart the gun and clean it as well as shoot. It’s a great feeling to win. It’s honestly priceless,” said Entrekin.
Entrekin joined the Boy Scouts when he was 10-years-old and became an Eagle Scout 3 years later in Troop 28 in Poplarville. He said that was the proudest moment of his life.
He became interested in shooting when he learned about the Boy Scouts’ NRA medal that involved shooting. As soon as he got the medal, Entrekin said he developed a passion for the sport. Now his eyes are set on a new adventure.
Next summer, Entrekin will be preparing for the Triple Crown in Boy Scouts as well as competing in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Competition in Nebraska.
The Triple Crown is an award given to Boy Scouts who successfully complete the three high adventure bases: Northern Tier, Calvacade and Sea Base. Entrekin already completed the Northern Tier, which he said was an amazing adventure.
“We had to canoe 60 miles in six days in the northern lakes of Minnesota. We had to carry all of our supplies and sometimes even the canoe over land and into other lakes to accomplish our task. It was definitely a challenging yet great time,” said Entrekin.
For the National 4-H Shooting Sports Competition, Entrekin said he is part of the Mississippi team of ages 14 to 18 where he earned the honor of top seat on the muzzle loading team.
“I am excited to go to nationals as the top seat. The goal is to win as a group and individually. I know it will be hard but I am up for the challenge,” said Entrekin.
He added that he is making a .50-caliber rifle for the national competition to ensure better accuracy.
The Entrekin family is holding a couple of fundraisers in the near future to help offset travel expenses associated with the Triple Crown and the national competition trip. One is a t-shirt fundraiser. Local businesses can purchase a sponsorship and have their logos printed on the shirt. Also, the family is thinking about hosting a fundraiser through the Boy Scouts. Nothing is set in stone yet. For more information about the fundraisers, contact Entrekin’s father, Taylor Entrekin, at 601-270-8183.