AG’s office distributed more than $3 million in victim compensation funds in FY 2016

Published 7:00 am Friday, August 12, 2016

Wednesday, Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood’s office announced that victims of violent crime in Mississippi received more than $3.7 million in financial assistance during fiscal year 2016, $29,000 of that was distributed to victims in Pearl River County.
According to a release from the AG’s office, 1,163 victims received financial compensation to offset the costs associated with injuries related to criminal acts committed against them.
“Mississippi residents who are victims of violent crime deserve the assurance that they can receive help to recover and move forward from often times tragic circumstances,” Hood said in the release. “The Victim Compensation program is funded in large part by convicted criminals whose heinous acts caused the injury and loss sustained by victims. My office is committed to ensuring that crime victims are not re-victimized because of the costs associated with violent crime.”
Hood also addressed future budget concerns in the release. This year, the legislature determined that any “assessments imposed by courts be deposited into the state General Fund rather than the Crime Victim Compensation Fund,” the release states.
This act could reduce the amount of funds available for future victims, Hood said in the release.
“I have voiced my concern since early this year about the damaging impacts of the 2017 budget on our state’s most vulnerable citizens, as well as the law enforcement officers and first responders who protect us,” Hood stated in the release. “No eligible individual should be turned away because of lack of funding for this critical safety net for crime victims.”
According to the release, the Crime Victim Compensation Program provides monetary compensation for eligible crime victims or next-of kin to cover expenses not paid for by sources such as insurance. This program is funded from fees charged to the person convicted of a crime, court-ordered restitution and federal grants, the release states.
Applicants who meet eligibility requirements can receive restitution for medical treatment, mental health services, funeral costs and other expenses. The maximum amount available per individual is $20,000, the release states.
For more information, visit or call 800-829-6766.

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