Thanks to our veterans

Published 7:00 am Friday, July 1, 2016

While I remember that the Fourth of July holiday is meant to celebrate this country’s independence, I can’t help but always think about this nation’s veterans.
Actually, I think we should honor them during all of our nation’s holidays.
After all, they are the men and women who fight every day to keep our country independent and free.
Wednesday, I met United States Marine veteran Roy Gjertsen of Picayune. He fought in the Korean War twice, served during the China Formosa and also served his country during the Vietnam War.
While serving our country is a great honor, I found Gjerstsen to be a humble man who is proud to call himself a Marine. Even though he’s now retired, he manages to send a portion of his earnings to help disabled and wounded veterans. I find that awe-inspiring that he is still dedicated to serving his country long after he shed the service uniform.
Both of my grandfathers served this nation in the armed forces, one was in the U.S. Army and the other was in the U.S. Navy.
When they spoke about their years in the military, it was remembered fondly with pride.
Considering what many of our veterans have been through, whether it is physical or emotional wounds, one might expect to hear words of regret or “I would never do it again.”
But when I always ask our veterans is if they would serve again, the answer is always “yes.”
I’m proud to be an American, but I’m even prouder to be the granddaughter and niece of men who have served our country.
As part of my job, I ask people to be featured in our Good Morning section of the paper. As a result, I’ve met many of this county’s veterans. One thing we should remember when meeting our veterans is to thank them for their service.
Without their sacrifices we wouldn’t be able to raise our families, attend the college of our choice, find gainful employment or do basically anything our rights as Americans grant us.
So this Fourth of July, no matter what activities you find yourself involved in, take a moment and thank this nation’s proud veterans and active duty military who make it all possible.

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