Board of Aldermen discuss vagrancy
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, July 20, 2016

CHAMPS: During Tuesday’s meeting the Poplarville Board of Aldermen recognized the 5 and 6-U T-Ball Dixie Little League State Champions who will be competing in the World Series in Searcy, Arkansas on June 21.
Photo by Cassandra Favre
Tuesday, the Poplarville Board of Aldermen discussed a vagrant residing on property at 818 Julia St.
On June 25, the structure was destroyed by fire, previous coverage states.
Since then, the tenant of the destroyed structure has been living on the property utilizing a tent, Poplarville Mayor Brad Necaise said.
“The property is condemned and I’m not going to allow camping in a subdivision,” Poplarville Code Enforcement Officer Guy Rae Holston said.
Necaise said he has visited the area and neighbors are afraid to report the vagrant to the police because he has exhibited intimidating behavior. It was also reported that he sleeps in minimal clothing.
Which brought the Board to another discussion, the beginning of school on August 3. The property is located near Poplarville Lower Elementary.
The Board discussed a myriad of options, including contacting the Department of Human Services Adult Protective Services. Poplarville Board Attorney Nick Thompson pointed out that, in these situations, the individual or the next of kin has to ask for this help.
According to city ordinances, Holston has the authority to expel him from the property. If he returns, he can be arrested.
Thompson also said there are no legal ways to handle situations with the homeless.
The Board discussed having non-profit groups reach out to the individual and having the property owner or surrounding neighbors construct a fence.
Poplarville Police Chief Butch Raby said jail is not a solution for this individual.
The Board took no action on the matter Tuesday but will meet one more time before the beginning of the school year.
They also asked Raby to reach out to the individual’s family members to see if they could provide help.
In other action the Board:
• Recognized the Poplarville All-Star 5&6-U 2016 T-Ball Dixie Little League State Champions. The team will be competing in the 5&6-U T-Ball World Series in Searcy, Arkansas on June 21. Team members include, Jacob Culpepper, Jake Carson Johnson, Brayden Fowler, Lance Laciura, Joshua Gallodoro, Caleb Ladner, Ryzan Gamber, Jett Smith, Cooper Harris, Hayden Harris, Noah Smith and Tristen Thomson. Representatives from the Pearl River County Hospital and Nursing Home presented the young men with personalized goody bags.
• Heard an update from Holston regarding the unkempt pool at 1425 Shivers Street. During the last Board meeting, residents brought the matter to the Board’s attention and cited the standing water, which could cause potential health hazards. The property owners are Dakota Assets in Texas, previous coverage stated. Before the pool can be cleaned, the Board would need written permission from the owner or continue through the statutory process, Thompson said Tuesday. At the next meeting, the Board can set a hearing for the second meeting in August. After that, if there’s no reply from the property owners, the city would be allowed to enter the property after the first Board meeting in September, Thompson added.
• Heard from Raby, who expressed his thanks to local business owners and individuals for their recent tokens of kindness in light of recent national events. He also told the Board that his officers are completing training in how to use a tourniquet. The police chief referenced a shooting in North Mississippi. In that instance, the officers’ knowledge of proper tourniquet use saved a man’s life. They will be able to carry the tourniquets while on duty, Raby added.
• Poplarville Fire Chief Jonathan Head told the Board his department is still testing hydrants and have tested 90 out of 230 thus far. He also reported that Comcast reprogrammed the emergency sirens, which Head can activate from his radio and the one at the bay station.
The next Board meeting will be held on August 2 at 5 p.m. in the boardroom at City Hall.