Learning how to reduce your energy costs
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Saving money is most certainly an important consideration for the majority of our readers.
It seems as if every time the cost of gas, food and household items stabilize, they shoot back up again with barely a moment’s notice.
Last Friday Coast Electric representatives spoke with their members about several methods they can employ to save money on their energy bill.
It can become quite expensive to keep a household running, especially one where children reside.
In today’s electronic age, most children and adults enjoy playing video games and spending time on their computer.
Also, in large households, there are numerous loads of laundry to be washed and dried more than once or twice a week.
It’s summer in South Mississippi and during these humid months, running the air conditioning system becomes a necessity.
During Coast Electric’s energy fair, representatives spoke with members about many of their incentive programs including Time-of-Use rate plan, the Co-op Connections card and The Comfort Advantage program.
Members also discovered just how many watts a normal 40-watt incandescent light uses. They then compared the wattage to more energy efficient bulbs, such as the compact fluorescent and LED variations.
When building a home, it’s important to know which type of insulation will provide the most effective energy savings.
For those who want to lend a helping hand, there is also the Share Your Blessings program. Members have the option of rounding their bill up to the nearest dollar. By doing so, they are helping other members in need.
Even though the energy fair is over for this year, members or potential members can find informational pamphlets at any Coast Electric office. They can also visit the website or call a representative to learn more ways to save money on their energy bill.
Saving money on energy costs will not only help your family’s finances, it also reduces the use of natural resources.