Cemeteries can provide glimpses into our history

Published 7:00 am Friday, June 24, 2016

Yesterday I walked through City Cemetery in Poplarville to take pictures for my corresponding story.
Even through it was broad daylight, I was still a bit hesitant about walking through the revered area by myself.
For the most part, I have only visited cemeteries while attending funerals.
But once in a while, I visit the cemetery in Bay St. Louis where many, many of my relatives are buried. It’s located next to St. Rose DeLima Church on Necaise Avenue.
Even though I know the way to my grandparents and uncle’s graves, I still stop and glance at the headstones that surround me.
Each one has a story. They were once mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, hard workers or, sadly, possibly victims of a horrific crime.
There are also the headstones that list the name and short life span of a child taken before he or she had barely begun to live.
I think it would be amazing to hear their stories and learn about their contributions to the towns they called home.
Families often purchase elaborately crafted monuments for their deceased. They are interesting to look at and I enjoy seeking out the older tombstones in the area.
To think that some of these have lasted more than 100 years is a testament to the craftsmanship and materials used.
One of the only remnants of Logtown in Hancock County is the cemetery. Along with the historic gravesites, the numerous trees are filled with hanging moss, which add to the ambience.
When it comes to cemeteries, there shouldn’t be anything to be squeamish about.
For some, it’s a place of solace. Sometimes, it’s nice to sit and reflect on the time spent with your loved ones.
For others, it’s a time capsule, a brief peek into the lives of our ancestors.

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