Henleyfield Fire Department adding second station
Published 7:00 am Tuesday, May 31, 2016

A couple volunteer workers put the final touches on the concrete slab at the Henley Volunteer Fire Department station two site off Rock Ranch Road. These volunteers took time out of their Saturday morning to help make sure everything is done properly.
The Henleyfield Volunteer Fire Department implemented plans to construct a second station, laying down the slab on Saturday off Rock Ranch Road, to better serve their community and also decrease fire insurance premiums for local residents.
Fire Chief Scott Sullivan said the new station would help the volunteer firefighters in that district have a quicker response time.
“We hope to have the building up and fire trucks running calls by the end of the year. This is an expensive process but well worth it for our community,” said Sullivan.
The second station will be smaller than the existing station on Highway 43 N., however Sullivan says it will get the job done.
“Every time you can expand, it’s a great thing. We have about six volunteer firefighters that have taken on this project,” said Sullivan.
He said the building will cost $90,000 to construct and if the department has to buy a new truck, which could cost up to $300,000, says Sullivan.
Sullivan says the D’lberville Fire Department has an extra truck that they will lend to the Henleyfield Volunteer Fire Department in the interim, until they can purchase another of their own.
Sullivan started volunteering with the department when he was 15-years-old, and has continued ever since, taking the reigns of chief when his father retired.
“Everything has changed. The biggest difference is the equipment. It went from pure junk from back in the day to the top-tier equipment we have now,” said Sullivan.
Sullivan has high expectations for this new station, hoping it will lead to the addition of more volunteers and make a positive contribution to the community.