Don’t forget about the fruits and vegetables

Published 7:00 am Saturday, May 28, 2016

With Memorial Day coming up, the average person’s diet might consist of burgers and hotdogs along with potato chips on the side.

Thursday was National Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Day, acting as a reminder for everyone to continue to enjoy their fresh produce.

Corporate Dietitian at Valley Services Carolyn Bailey says that most people would enjoy a colorful plate of veggies and fruits, if they would give it a chance.

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“I think there are several key ingredients [to enjoy fruits and vegetables]. Enjoy food, choosing a variety and watching portion size. Resist the latest fad diet trap and labeling food as good or bad,” said Bailey.

Another key to staying healthy is to be physically active, with the recommendation of 30 minutes of daily exercise that is enjoyable, “Whatever gets you off the couch!” said Bailey.

There’s no need to set long-term goals, said Bailey.
“Set small, short-term goals. Sometimes people fail because they try to change everything all at once, and it’s too much. Start with one thing, work on it, and move forward once you’ve achieved the first goal,” said Bailey.

To address the question, “What fruits and vegetables are the best?” there is no true answer. Bailey says that are so many choices—fresh, frozen, canned. The important thing is to enjoy and try new things. Keeping your plate colorful will provide lots of helpful vitamins and minerals, Bailey said.

“The goal is to make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Along with increasing fruits and vegetables in meals, it’s also enjoyable as a snack,” said Bailey.

One of the suggestions Bailey gives the most to her patients is to prepare snack size portions and put them in plastic bags.

Doing so makes sure your intake is at a healthy pace.

Bailey said there’s a simple solution to help people lose weight.

“The answer is not deprivation. Enjoy a variety of foods in modest portions. Don’t skip meals. Include small snacks as a bridge between meals. Start moving—include some kind of physical activity at least 5 days a week,” said Bailey.

Also, research shows that people that keep a food record are the most successful at losing weight and maintaining healthy habits, Bailey said.

For more information on how to stay healthy, Bailey suggests visiting and for accurate information for consumers.