Superhero breakfast set for Saturday
Published 7:00 am Friday, April 8, 2016

WALKING FOR A CAUSE: Last year, members of Highland Community Hospital’s Walking for Babies team, participated in South Mississippi’s walk at Jones Park in Gulfport. From left are Natalie and Macy Hall, two volunteers who have walked and raised money for the March of Dimes since 2013.
Photo submitted
This Saturday, children and adults can don their superhero capes and masks and attend a Superhero Breakfast, hosted by Highland Community Hospital’s March for Babies team.
The team is made up of a group of volunteers from the hospital’s labor and delivery unit, OB technician and team captain, Loren Fortenberry said. The team is trying to raise about $5,000 for March of Dimes and have already raised $2,500 through T-shirt sales.
According to the March of Dimes website, the mission of the foundation is preventing birth defects, infant mortality and incidents of premature birth.
“They also support many programs designed to keep moms healthy during pregnancy and promote full-term pregnancies,” Fortenberry added. “They also fund research and work with legislators. The Healthy Mom Act, if passed, would provide care, free of charge, to all pregnant women in Mississippi. They promote healthy moms and healthy babies.”
For the third year in a row, Highland’s team of 25 people will be participating in South Mississippi’s March for Babies event on April 23 at Point Cadet Pier in Biloxi.
Several families who have experienced premature labor or had children with birth defects also join the team to walk and each year, a family is chosen to the team’s ambassador family, Fortenberry.
Saturday’s breakfast will begin at 8 a.m. at the Highland Café located just near the hospital’s main entrance. There will also be superheroes in attendance, door prizes and an autograph table where children can leave their superhero handprint, Fortenberry said. The handprint painting will be hung in the labor and delivery unit, she added.
The menu includes powerful pancakes, bionic bacon, extraordinary eggs, jet juice and super syrup.
The cost per ticket is $5 and they are available for purchase at the hospital’s labor and delivery unit and on the day of the event.
“This year’s theme for March for Babies is superheroes, which a big thing right now,” Fortenberry said. “They want to get the kids and families involved and make March for Babies a family-centered event.”
All proceeds will be donated to March of Dimes, she added.
For more information about the breakfast contact Fortenberry at 601-590-4690.
Visit to learn about March of Dimes