Reconnecting and spending time with your loved ones

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, March 2, 2016

One of the things I enjoy most about a weekend is catching up with old friends I don’t see very often.
We are all busy with work and family and we can barely find the time to send a quick text message or call them on the phone.
Recently, I decided to change this state of affairs and sent a message to an old friend mine who used to be my teacher’s aide at the preschool.
A couple of months ago, she underwent knee replacement surgery so I knew I wanted to visit her.
I picked up some muffins from one of my favorite bakeries in Bay St. Louis and took them to her house.
We talked and laughed for more than an hour. We caught up on the many events in our lives and, of course, I showed her the 100s of pictures I have of my nephew stored on my phone.
Last week, I messaged another old friend, who I attended high school with. We also taught at the same preschool.
She is the busy mother of four children and has a full-time job.
Saturday morning, over eggs, grits, omelets and waffles, we caught up on each other’s lives.
It was as if no time at all had passed. She is one of my dearest friends, one that I don’t get to see all the time.
But I know if I ever needed anything she would be there to support me, as I would her.
I’m happy I was able to make this decision to reconnect with my friends.
Too often life gets in the way and we lose focus of what’s important.
My sister and baby nephew will be flying in today and I’m beyond excited to see them.
They will be here for a few weeks and I’m going to spend every moment I can with the little guy.
He will be visiting Picayune to take his aunt to lunch and I can’t wait to introduce him to folks around here.
As we all know, this life is short and as Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise said a couple of weeks ago, “We will spend a third of our lives working.”
With that in mind, we need to value and make the time to spend with those we love the most.
So, the next time you have a weekend off with no plans, call an old friend and reconnect.

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