Enjoying the senior years

Published 7:00 am Thursday, March 24, 2016

Every time I visit the Senior Center in Picayune I’m inspired.
Tuesday, while I was there, many of the seniors were singing karaoke.
As they sang classics such as “Sweet Caroline” and “Killing Me Softly,” I couldn’t help but smile.
Those in attendance were smiling, laughing and cheering the vocalists on.
It’s such a heartwarming sight to see, seniors enjoying what is probably now some of the best years of their lives in the company of friends.
Sadly, for some seniors, they have no family or friends so I hope that one day they find their way to a center just like the one we have here.
One day, God willing, when I’m a senior, I will be able to surround myself with good friends, stimulating activities and maybe even some karaoke.
I don’t remember my grandparents ever participating in events designed for seniors. My Mississippi grandparents had such a large family that they were rarely alone in their own home.
However, my Kentucky grandparents lived in the country about 20 minutes from town. Years ago, my uncle moved out there to be closer to them. After my grandmother passed, I often wondered how lonely my grandfather got. We didn’t get to visit him a lot.
If he lived near a senior center, I would have suggested he go and have some fun.
Pearl River County’s senior center is one of the most positive things this county has to offer, especially when the county is sometimes marketed as a retirement community.
There are so many activities and wonderful people at the center. I feel it’s important for seniors to be surrounded by friends and participate in events that keep them young at heart.
I also feel so welcome when I’m there since many greet me by name.
Thanks to all the volunteers, donors and sponsors who contribute to the center and keep it operational for our most precious residents.

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