Candidates not running received votes

Published 7:00 am Thursday, March 10, 2016

CIVIC DUTY: A county resident receives a sticker after casting her ballot during Tuesday’s presidential primary election.  Photo by Jeremy Pittari

CIVIC DUTY: A county resident receives a sticker after casting her ballot during Tuesday’s presidential primary election.
Photo by Jeremy Pittari

In Pearl River County, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton led their respective parties during Tuesday’s election.
Only 10,847, or about 33 percent, out of the 32,419 registered voters in Pearl River County went to the polls during the presidential primary. This number includes the 363 absentee ballots cast, which were counted and included in the unofficial totals after press time Tuesday.
Affidavit ballots will be counted within five business days, Pearl River County Circuit Clerk Nance Stokes said.
In Pearl River County Democratic candidate, Clinton received 1,045 votes and Republican candidate, Trump received 4,711 votes.
Along with Clinton, Rocky De La Fuente, Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders and Willie Wilson were also listed on Tuesday’s ballot.
Even though O’Malley pulled out of the race, he still received five votes in Pearl River County.
De La Fuenta received five votes, Sanders received 366 votes and there were 13 votes for Wilson.
Thirteen candidates were listed on the ballot for the Republican primary, including Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Graham, Mike Huckabee, John Kasich, George Pataki, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Rick Santorum and Trump.
However, only five were still in the running, including Carson, who received 126 votes, Kasich, who received 486 votes, Cruz, who received 3,555 votes and Rubio, who received 375 votes.
The eight remaining candidates who pulled out of the race still received votes in Pearl River County. Bush received 40, Christie received nine, Fiorina received six, Graham received one, Huckabee received 22, Pataki received one, Paul received 15 and Santorum received five votes.
Also on Tuesday’s ballot were the Democratic and Republican candidates for the fourth congressional district. Both Mark Gladney and (D) and Steven Palazzo (R) ran unopposed for their party and received 924 and 8,506 votes respectively.
They will face off in November’s general election.

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