Different viewpoints

Published 7:00 am Friday, March 11, 2016

It’s been more than two years since my husband gave me the entire Game of Thrones series of books.
Sadly, I have only read half of the first book.
I used to be an avid reader, but when the work week is done, I’m just not in the mood for reading.
That needs to change. I have fallen behind on so many of my favorite series and need to find out what those characters are up to these days.
But, during the week, I place the guest columns on page four of the paper and I get the opportunity to read what our local residents like to write about.
Writing a staff column is like having a one-sided conversation with one of your good friends.
Some people have told me how much they enjoy reading about my nephew, my grandmother’s perfume and my obsession with shoes and purses. My staff columns have sparked conversations with people in the community and we often chat about our common interests.
Speaking of purses and shoes, I liken those staff columns to conversations with my husband, the ones where he is learning to tune me out at certain instances. True story, he said that to me. I’m almost positive he was joking.
But I digress.
There are some guest columns I relate to and others I don’t. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. We all have different ideas and like to read about different things.
That’s what makes us extraordinary.
However, we should always remember to learn new things and broaden our horizons.
Even though I may not think I like a certain topic, I will step outside of my comfort zone and read about something else.
For instance, I never thought I would be able to read Japanese Manga books from right to left. But I did and enjoy reading them now.
While we aren’t going to agree with everyone’s opinions or columns, it’s important to realize that we are lucky, as Americans, to still have our freedom of speech.

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