Looking forward to children’s theater

Published 7:00 am Thursday, February 18, 2016

If given the opportunity and better vocal chords, I would have made my way to Broadway to dance and sing on stage.
When I was in the seventh grade, I joined the school choir and remained a member until graduation.
I sang alto and made many friends. I have many fond memories of road trips with my choir family.
One of my favorite memories was when we performed excerpts from Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables and Miss Saigon.
Even though I was quite shy and declined to perform solos, I still enjoyed singing and acting on stage. I still enjoy singing today, alone in my car.
Maybe if I had been introduced to the theater at a younger age, my dreams of Broadway stardom might have come true.
Picayune on Stage will once again be welcoming children into their group and I think it’s a wonderful thing.
When I was about five or six, I wanted to be like Shirley Temple and tap dance and sing my way into everyone’s hearts.
Now, children in Pearl River County will have the opportunity to develop their talents with the help of some of the area’s most experienced thespians.
The theater is a wonderful. I’ve only seen two large theater productions and hope to see at least one performed on Broadway in New York City.
I’m in awe of the talent it takes to be able to sing, dance and act at the same time. There’s no lip syncing or any other cinematic shenanigans, just pure talent.
I remember trying to sing the right lines and perform the right dance moves at the time. It’s not an easy task.
I’m excited for the members of Picayune on Stage and looking forward to what’s in store for the children of this community.

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