Get your flu shot sooner rather than later

Published 7:00 am Thursday, January 14, 2016

With the first case of influenza reported in Mississippi for 2016, we would like to take this opportunity to remind our readers to get their flu shots.
It is not yet too late to get your flu shot. While signs and reminders for flu shots begin popping up at pharmacies every fall, flu season kicks into high gear in January and usually lingers until spring. Nobody wants the flu to mar their Mardi Gras celebrations.
While the flu is not usually a fatal condition for healthy adults, it can be in older adults, younger children and people with already compromised immune systems.
However, your personal health and wellbeing is not the only factor to consider. Because the flu is one of the easiest viruses in the world to transmit, it is easier to catch (and give) the flu than, for instance, Ebola.
This is because, while some viral infections cannot be transmitted through the air, the flu can be, so you may still infect those around you, without knowing or trying to cause them harm.
The flu can be transmitted by breathing or simply touching contaminated surfaces like doorknobs and remote controls.
So, even if you personally would likely only fall ill, you could give the disease to someone who is at much greater risk.
Most insurance plans cover the cost of flu shots, but even if they do not, they’re inexpensive, generally costing around $30. Besides their low cost, flu shots can be purchased at nearly any pharmacy and at all clinics and hospitals.
Finally, in addition to flu vaccines, we would like to remind our readers to please continue to observe good hygiene.
Frequent hand washing and the covering of one’s mouth while coughing or sneezing are not only good ways to prevent the spread of the flu, but of many bugs.

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