Something else to be thankful for
Published 7:00 am Friday, December 4, 2015

holiday rescue: This raccoon was rescued by Lt. Gary Wilton with the Picayune Police Department on Thanksgiving Eve.
Submitted photo
We had something unusual to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day, when the Picayune Police came through with assistance for a neighbor in distress. Thanksgiving Eve was marked by a not-unusual amount of thumping and clanging on the deck—we often have raccoon and other wildlife fighting for access to the bird feeder—but just imagine our surprise when early morning found this little critter still hanging upside down by her leg, wedged tightly in the V between the deck support and the ladder’s hand rail. Exhausted but still plenty feisty, we were at a loss as to how to help her on this Thanksgiving morning, when Animal Control was bound to be closed for the holiday.
Not knowing what else to do, I finally called the Picayune Police Department, and they agreed to send an officer to assist us. Lieutenant Gary Wilton arrived a short time later. Lt. Wilton first attempted to lift the raccoon by her tail, but his efforts were met with snarls and very sharp teeth. She was not at all interested in the blanket he tried next, so he finally asked for a broom, and using the broom’s handle to push up under her leg, the raccoon was finally freed enough to pull herself up. She dropped to the rocks below then took off across the lawn toward the woods, without so much as a glance over her shoulder or a “thank you.” The human residents were most thankful to Lt. Wilton, however, knowing our Thanksgiving dinner would not be marred by the presence of a fuzzy damsel in distress.
By Laura Anne Ewald