New Year’s resolutions: Don’t be discouraged

Published 7:00 am Thursday, December 31, 2015

Last year, I made a promise to myself that I would not only start, but stick to my New Year’s resolutions, which consisted of working out at the gym and cooking at home. I started the year off strong.
When I got a gym membership, I started attending yoga twice a week and working out with cardio equipment.
While I was no Julia Child, I tried out various recipes in my little kitchen, so I could eat healthier and avoid eating fast food for dinner.
But, after a couple of months into the new year, I hit a red brick wall called discouragement that kills people’s New Year’s resolutions. So, I stopped going to the gym on a regular basis, lacking the motivation after a full workday, and I started eating more fast food.
Needless to say, I didn’t stick to my resolutions as I would’ve liked.
We all want to improve ourselves in the new year. Whether it’s learning how to scuba dive, losing that extra weight or spending more time with family, we’ve all got goals we want to reach in order to make sure the new year is better than the last. However, as I’ve learned, it’s difficult to set so many resolutions for ourselves and expect them to stick from the get-go.
We’re comfortable with what we know and tend to run back to our comfort zone filled with gym-less nights and cheap fried chicken.
In 2016, I don’t plan to completely forgo New Year’s resolutions, as I do have things I want to accomplish, but I don’t plan on setting any either. My goal for 2016 is to be happy and healthy, and that means avoiding lists and putting pressure on myself for not accomplishing them.
No matter how we choose to live in the new year, rest assured we will do it right.

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