Growing Up: Tough, but worth it

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, December 2, 2015

There’s no denying it, being an adult is far from easy, in my humble opinion.
During high school, I dreamed of the day I would turn 18 and leave home to pursue higher education and finally be able to make my own decisions.
I had a blast at Ole Miss, even though the first year was tough. Being away from my family for the first time was difficult.
I worked during summers spent at home and learned to manage my money throughout the school year so as to concentrate on my studies and not work a part-time job during the school year.
In that respect, I was lucky and I have great respect and admiration for people who attend college while working or raising a family.
Then came the task of finding gainful employment upon graduation, which was further complicated by Hurricane Katrina’s damage to South Mississippi’s economy.
In an effort to change my situation for the better, I moved to Colorado, where I spent my first holidays away from my family and shoveled an enormous amount of snow.
It was a tough few months and, after a while, I made the decision to move back home.
The first time I was laid off from a job was an eye opener into the world of unemployment. I had never had to file for it before and wasn’t fond of reporting weekly updates on my lack of employment.
During that time I worked as a substitute teacher, which turned into a full-time preschool teaching position.
In the end, it all worked out because I met the editor of the Sea Coast Echo and began my career in the news industry.
While it’s not easy being an adult, I enjoy the opportunities in life, no matter the outcome. If we never take a leap of faith, we may never know what could be in store for us.
There have been hard times and instances where I felt like giving up, but in the end, I always realize I have a wonderful life filled with great people.
I must recognize the sacrifices made by my fellow Item writers Chris Marquette and Ashley Collins. They moved hundreds of miles away from their families to pursue their dreams.
In my opinion, they handle their situations with a lot of enthusiasm and bravery.
Most people never leave the home they were raised in and to do so takes great courage and dedication.
Some days I wish there was someone else to pay my bills, clean my house, maintain my vehicle and make all the difficult decisions for me.
But, I’m proud to be independent and able to make my own decisions, even when it means taking a chance on the unknown.

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