Kiwanis breakfast aids special needs folks
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, November 25, 2015

OLYMPIANS: The Picayune Kiwanis Club sponsors the annual Special Olympics events held in Pearl River County. Olympians also advance to the semi-finals.
Photo submitted
On Dec. 4, the Picayune’s Kiwanis Club will host its third annual Pancake Breakfast to raise funds for the special needs community in Pearl River County.
The group was formed in Picayune in 1979, charter member Byron Stockstill said.
“I joined because there was a need in Pearl River County,” he said. “Not only do we participate in fundraising events, but we also enjoy the fellowship in helping your community.”
According to the Kiwanis website, there are clubs located in 80 nations and each year members stage 150,000 service projects and raise almost $100 million dollars for their communities.
Picayune’s service club meets once a week at Southern Char and though the club does a lot of work, charter member Dickie Travis said they have a good time.
“They are a good group of laid back guys who have as much fun as they do work,” he said. “When it comes to doing a project, we get it done.”
In order to fund their projects, the group hosts three fundraisers per year including, a spring golf tournament, a summer raffle and a pancake breakfast, 12-year member and current club president Tom Milar said. The club has also donated iPads and Kindles to local elementary schools.
With those funds, the group is able to sponsor the area’s Special Olympics events, Thanksgiving and Christmas bundles, purchase clothing necessities for special needs children in the school districts as well as donate funds to special needs classrooms.
Recently, the group contributed $2,000 toward the purchase of an ADA compliant swing, which will be installed at Friendship Park.
Annually, the club awards two scholarships to Pearl River Community College. The college chooses the recipients based on need, Milar said.
The club’s mission hits home for Milar. He is the uncle of two disabled nephews.
“There’s always been a connection and I’ve seen what they have gone through and helped them live a more normal life,” he said. It’s an uphill battle. However, they are a blessing to be around and enjoy life more than others.”
Anyone can join Kiwanis, Milar said. The group meets every Thursday at noon at Southern Char. The yearly dues are $120, plus the cost of meals. During raffles, group members purchase the first 25 tickets.
“It’s not about the amount of money you’re spending, it’s about giving back to the community,” Milar said. “It’s something our members want to do. Everyone involved has the heart and drive to be committed to not just meeting the needs of special needs in Picayune but throughout Pearl River County.”
The Pancake Breakfast will be held on Dec. 4 at Southern Char Steakhouse from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and the cost of a ticket is $5.
Learn more about Picayune Kiwanis through Facebook. Anyone interested in membership can contact Milar at 601-273-2131.
For more information about Kiwanis’ international efforts visit