An evening of joy and love

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, November 18, 2015

My husband tells me I’m too emotional. Sometimes he tells me that when we have a disagreement, but more often, it’s when we watch a sad movie.
I’ve seen “Steel Magnolias” numerous times and can almost recite the entire script.
However, Sally Fields’ monologue after her daughter’s death causes me to sob every time.
During some of my more emotional interviews, I try to keep my emotions under control.
I knew Friday night’s pageant for the intellectually disabled would be a challenge because I knew I was about to witness something truly special and heartfelt.
I was doing pretty well up until a young woman took the stage in her bright blue dress and belted out “This Little Light of Mine.”
After her amazing rendition, I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my face. It’s hard to take pictures when your glasses are fogging up and tears are blurring your vision.
We often take for granted the “normal” things we are able to do such as driving, dating, working and even walking properly.
However, this group of adults has more insight and heart than most people without disabilities.
The laughter and cheers that filled the auditorium were amazing. These individuals truly love one another and are happy to see their friends succeed.
I know some of them only want to do what most people do, but in reality, I believe we should want to love and live life the way they do. We should want to be more like them.
I’ve written quite a few stories about these residents and am greeted as the lady who took their pictures or put their name in the newspaper. There’s nothing more rewarding to me than seeing their smiles and excitement.
Friday night was a night to remember for me and I pray that each and every one of the participants will always let their light shine.

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