We’re all storytellers

Published 7:00 am Thursday, October 22, 2015

I considered myself a storyteller at a young age. I’ve always enjoyed writing fiction, such as short stories, screenplays and novels— none of which I’ve been able to finish, but I continue to enjoy the process just the same. I not only love to write stories from my imagination, but I also enjoy telling the true stories of people in the community, which is why I’ve made it my full-time job.
Stories are how we make sense of the world around us and escape the mundaneness of every day life. Without sharing our stories, we wouldn’t be able to connect with others or understand the complexities of humanity.
However, you don’t have to be a writer in order to be a storyteller. Anyone with access to technology can become a published author, blogger or YouTube sensation by expressing themselves through their jokes, short films or photography. Social media makes it easier than ever before to share our thoughts with the world in any way we choose.
The art of storytelling is one that has been around for millions of years. Members of the Poplarville Storytellers Guild have practiced the ancient art since the club’s inception in 1982.
The club meets on a monthly basis inside Poplarville’s First United Methodist Church, where they share all types of stories orally in a group setting.
Club President Mary Etta Moody said she’s met many people through the club, who all come from different walks of life and all have their own unique stories to tell.
It’s through stories that we build a connection to others and form strong-knit communities that will thrive for many years to come.
We’re all storytellers and whatever platform we choose to share our stories, you can bet there will be someone listening.

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