Providing ministry, support and love

Published 7:00 am Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Many people in Pearl River County attend church services for spiritual enlightenment, guidance and fellowship with others who share the same beliefs.
However, at East Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church, members are expanding their ministry to include women and men affected by breast cancer.
This weekend, the Item reported on their program, Praises in Pink.
Each year, Beverly Roberts, along with a group of women from the church, host an event to celebrate the lives of women who survived breast cancer.
Survivors bring their testimonies and share them with those in attendance.
Last year, Praises in Pink raised enough funds to purchase six mammogram vouchers and, this year, they already have seven. They also hope to donate travel funds to patients undergoing chemotherapy.
And according to cancer survivors Alice Wilkes and Barbara Haralson, the program brings those affected together in friendship and love.
We are proud to be a part of a community that supports one another, in good times and bad.
There is perhaps nothing scarier than facing cancer and support is always needed.
It’s comforting to know people in this area have groups like Praises in Pink to turn to when times are tough.
It’s also important for women to perform self-examinations and undergo yearly mammograms at the recommended age.
Breast cancer awareness month is coming to a close, but groups like Praises in Pink and Puttin on the Pink will still be working tirelessly to raise awareness.
Their efforts have not gone unnoticed and we applaud the congregation of East Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church for their kindness and donations to those in need.

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