Touchdown: PRC Booster Club to hold Saturday fundraiser at Domino’s

Published 7:00 am Thursday, October 22, 2015

In support of Pearl River Central’s Blue Devils football team, the school’s booster club, the Touchdown Club, will host a fundraiser in partnership with Domino’s this Saturday.

Club President Alan Howe said the money raised will support the club’s future activities, including the purchase of travel uniforms and accessories for the school’s football players.

The fundraiser will be held on Oct. 24 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Domino’s, which will donate a percentage of the proceeds to the club.

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Howe said their football players plan to don their jerseys while holding banners outside of Domino’s on Memorial Boulevard and disperse fundraiser flyers across neighboring parking lots in an effort to reach out to the community and gain support for the Blue Devils.

“We’ve had a lot of support this year, a lot of people have contributed to the club. It’s all about getting out and knocking on people’s doors and asking for help,” Howe said.

The club has supported PRC’s football team since 2001.

Earlier this year, Howe was named president after four years in the club. He said the club has grown through the years due to the community’s tireless support.

This year, local businesses have started donating food and snacks to the football team to get them ready to play every Friday night, Howe said.

“Everything we do is for the kids. We’ve had a tremendous year,” Howe said.

The Blue Devils—which rank 47th in the state— will face the Pascagoula Panthers at home on Oct. 23 at 7 p.m.

For more information about the Touchdown Club, contact Howe at 601-569-6133.