Part III: Getting ready for the old folks
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, October 21, 2015
This is the third article about the Nov. 15 Friends program at the Crosby Memorial Library regarding what we all need to know about getting older. Today we will look at the need for a last will and testament.
I’m not an attorney so what I say here is my individual understanding and may not be totally correct. That’s why you need to come to the program.
We spend roughly one fourth of our lives preparing to make money, and then half acquiring it to provide for our loved one and ourselves. After all this effort, why would you put it at risk?
But that is what you are doing if you don’t have a will. You see, a will is a legal document that specifies what you want done with your accumulated wealth when you pass on.
Not knowing when that might be makes early preparation all the more important.
In this modern age, we marry, have children, get divorced, remarry and have more children and grandchildren along with buying cars, houses, savings and making investments.
Who takes care of all these people and who gets all the stuff when you check-out? Well, if you haven’t said in a legal document, called a last will and testament, the state you live in will decide for you. Bummer. Now a will can be simple or complex, low cost or very expensive depending on what your situation needs and how much effort you are willing to put into its creation. The bottom line is that regardless of age, if you are responsible for others and/or you have valuable possessions you need a will.
And that will can be modified or totally replaced at any time when your situation changes.
So check your will often and be sure your heirs and beneficiaries are up to date.
Come to the program on Nov. 15 at the Crosby Memorial Library and talk to our experts about the right will for you. Your loved ones will be very glad you did.
By Randy Holland.