Dreaming of a white Christmas

Published 7:00 am Thursday, October 1, 2015

In the 1954 classic “White Christmas,” Bing Crosby recounted the wonders of the holiday season, singing, “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas with every Christmas card I write. 
May your days be merry and bright and may all your Christmases be white.” Since I was born and raised in south Florida, I’ve never experienced a white Christmas. Ever since I can remember, I’ve lived vicariously through characters in Christmas movies, imagining what it would be like to build a snowman on my front yard and skate across a frozen pond.
When I tell people I’ve never seen snow, their eyes widen as a result of the shock when they learn that in my 23 years of life, I’ve never seen snow. They also proceed to tell me that I’m not missing much. However, as someone who grew up in the south, I imagine snow to be nothing short of magical.
I’ve lived in tropical weather all my life. While Florida is a place Northerners visit to escape the frozen tundra they call home, after a while, 100 percent humidity and category four hurricanes get old.
I guess that’s how Northerners feel about snow. The grass always seems greener on the other side. We all want what we don’t have. Generally, Northerners move down South to escape the cool weather while Southerners move North to experience all four seasons.
While I have a romanticized the idea about the wonders of wintertime, I’m not naïve about its shortcomings. I’ve heard numerous tales from Northerners about the terrors of commuting to work during the winter and the layers of clothing they have to wear to prevent frostbite.
Last year, I experienced my first south Mississippi winter. It was definitely colder than the winters I was used to back home. Every morning, I would walk to my car and shockingly discover a sheet of ice over my windshield.
On second thought, maybe dreams are better than reality. While I may dream about one day seeing snow during Christmastime, maybe it’s best to stick to the movies, at least for now.

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