Supervisors talk road projects

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, September 9, 2015


MAKING CHANGES: The Pearl River County Board of Supervisors discusses roadwork repairs during Tuesday’s meeting. Photo by Ashley Collins.

MAKING CHANGES: The Pearl River County Board of Supervisors discusses roadwork repairs during Tuesday’s meeting. Photo by Ashley Collins.


Numerous road projects are underway across the county. Tuesday, the Pearl River County Board of Supervisors heard from County Engineer Les Dungan who spoke about the county’s progress toward providing safer roads and bridges for motorists countywide.

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Road projects currently in the pre-construction phase include the bridge replacement project on George Ford Road and McNeill Steep Hollow Road, which should begin construction in the near future, Dungan said. He also spoke about the four bridges in need of replacement on the north end of Spring Hill Road. He said the design is complete and they’re waiting to receive state aid funding.

“Hopefully that funding will come down in October and they’ll advertise that project for construction,” Dungan said.

Projects currently under construction include the bridge on Gumpond Beall Road in Lumberton. Construction to repair the bridge will begin around Oct. 1. Dungan said the project is expected to be complete within 60 working days.

The realignment on Richardson-Ozona Road is progressing nicely, Dungan said.

“We’re getting some better weather now. The contractor’s making good progress putting in the drainage and doing some undercut with the bad material that’s out there,” Dungan said.

The purpose of the realignment is to provide motorists a direct and safer connection to Highway 11, according to previous Item coverage.

Following the roadwork updates, Dungan asked the board to consider an ordinance he drafted, which addresses issues with mailboxes located within the county’s clear zones. He said the county has been under mandate by the state to avoid placing objects, including mailboxes, within the clear zone of a state aid project, as they could be hazardous.

“In our roads, the clear zone is consistent. It’s 10 feet off the edge of the travel lanes. Anything within that 10 feet is considered hazardous and an issue for the state,” Dungan said.

He also said state officials plan to inspect projects cleared for construction before they’re advertised for bids.

“If there are any hazardous mailboxes within that clear zone, they’re going to have to be dealt with before a project can go up for bid,” Dungan said.

The proposed ordinance could help address the problem in order to keep the state aid program on track, Dungan said. The ordinance, which meets state regulations, will allow the county to follow certain guidelines in order to ensure future mailbox construction meets state standards and adjustments can be made on those mailboxes currently located within those clear zones.

The board agreed to table the issue to further review the ordinance.

In other action:

—The board approved the Pearl River County Sheriff’s Department to attend the Mississippi Law Enforcement Training in Pearl from Sept. 13 to Dec. 3.

—The board approved travel for the tax assessor/collector to attend the 2015 MACA Conference and IAAO Workshop in Vicksburg from Oct. 19 to 23.

—The board approved travel for the circuit clerk to attend a convention in Biloxi from Sept. 9 to 12.

—The board approved travel for the new and re-elected county supervisors and county officials to attend the new term orientation in Jackson on Dec. 8 and 9.

—The board accepted a MEMA reimbursement check for Hurricane Katrina, totaling $122,365.

The board plans to hold a public hearing to adopt the budget on Sept. 15 at 10 a.m. inside the court facilities in Poplarville.