Walk down the yellow brick road

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sometimes you have to break out of your comfort zone to appreciate the little things in life. Late last year, I packed up my bags and moved away from my life in Florida to pursue a career in Picayune. The decision wasn’t an easy one.

I’ve lived almost my entire life in Florida, except for a brief stint in Puerto Rico, and leaving behind all my family and friends was difficult.

But I was determined to get out of my comfort zone after college in order to live the life I wanted.

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After all, I might never get the chance to do something like this in the future when I have a family of my own, so I decided to take the road less traveled and move away from my comfortable home. However, you don’t have to completely uproot your life to break away from your comfort zone. On a daily basis, we can stretch our limits in order to truly enjoy life and appreciate what we already have.

It can be as small as trying that new sushi place down the street or taking a different route to work. You don’t have to completely change your life to break out of your comfort zone just as long as you make the extra effort to experience new things on a regular basis.

During my time in Picayune, I’ve met great friends and have traveled around Mississippi and Louisiana exploring the sights unique to the region. All of my experiences to date would not have been possible had I not moved to Picayune. While many of us shy away from new experiences because we’re scared we might fail, don’t let fear hold you back. Life’s too short and you’ll never know unless you try.

While the unknown can seem intimidating to many, it’s also exciting and should be seen as a walk down the yellow brick road instead of a trip down the rabbit hole.

We often learn our best lessons when we expand our horizons and I’m glad I did those many months ago.