Muscadine Field Day back again
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, August 26, 2015

ON THE VINE: Saturday, muscadine lovers can visit the MSU McNeill Experiment Station and taste some muscadine grapes.
Photo by Cassandra Favre
Saturday, muscadine lovers from throughout Pearl River County are invited to attend the 2015 Muscadine Field Day to be held at the MSU McNeill Experiment Station.
The USDA’s Agricultural Research Service is currently renting the land from MSU to conduct research about production practices, plant breeding and disease and insect control.
During the first half of Saturday’s event, guest speakers will speak on all things muscadine, associate professor Dr. Eric Stafne said.
“They will discuss pests, nutritional value, new varieties and how to grow better muscadines,” Stafne said. “During the second half, people can walk around the vineyard looking at the 30 to 40 varieties of muscadines. They can look at and taste ripe ones. Guests may also ask questions of the speakers.”
According to previous Item coverage, the muscadine grape is native to the southeastern United States. It was the first named variety of grape and grows in three different colors including bronze, red and purple, previous coverage states. They are sweet and strong and are utilized to make wines, jellies, juices, vinegar and other products. Muscadines are planted during the winter and harvested in March, May and July, according to previous coverage.
This is Stafne’s fourth Muscadine Field Day, but he said the program has occurred for many years.
“It’s one of those things that draws a lot of interest here,” he said. “More than 100 people often attend. It’s a native crop to this region and some people have an emotional attachment to the grape, because it takes them back to their childhood days.”
The event is free to attend. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. with the program beginning at 9 a.m. and lasting until 11 a.m., Stafne said.
The MSU McNeill Experiment Station is located at 7 Ben Gill Rd., Carriere.
For more information about the event contact Dr. Eric Stafne at 601-403-8939.
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