Debunking cat myths

Published 7:00 am Thursday, August 6, 2015

I’ve never understood people’s aversion towards cats. As a proud cat owner, I can say cats are smart and friendly pets, contrary to what many believe.

Maybe it’s because I’ve grown up with cats all my life, which is why I may understand them a little better than someone who grew up around dogs or had no pets at all.

People often pigeonhole cats as vicious, feral animals that can’t be loved. While there are cats out there that fit that description, it’s not all of them.

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Cats can be as nurturing and friendly as a dog. While that may be surprising to some, it shouldn’t be. All cats, like dogs, have their own different personalities and shouldn’t be clumped together as if they’re all just the same.

I currently own an orange tabby that goes by the name of Jude. He’s a testament to the fact that not all cats are vicious, indifferent and feral. He greets me every time I walk through the door after work and never leaves my side. Anyone who meets him is surprised by his friendly demeanor and can’t believe a cat can be just as loving as a dog.

Before I adopted Jude, my family owned an orange maine coon fittingly called Tigger. He lived until the age of 22 and never missed a beat. He was not only loving but also intelligent. He saved my house from nearly catching fire. A couple of years back, my mom went outside to cut the grass and forgot that she had left a pot on the stove. She told me Tigger ran outside and meowed until he got her attention and that’s when she realized the house was filled with smoke.

It’s truly remarkable what pets can do. It’s about time cats are acknowledged for being incredible creatures instead of being subjected to stereotypes.