Aldermen consider grant funding

Published 7:00 am Wednesday, August 5, 2015

OPENING BIDS: Poplarville Mayor Brad Necaise opens bids for maintenance of Forest Lawn Cemetery during Tuesday’s Poplarville Board of Aldermen meeting.  Photo by Cassandra Favre

OPENING BIDS: Poplarville Mayor Brad Necaise opens bids for maintenance of Forest Lawn Cemetery during Tuesday’s Poplarville Board of Aldermen meeting.
Photo by Cassandra Favre

Tuesday, the Poplarville Board of Aldermen received a proposal from Southern Mississippi Planning and Development District Senior Project Manager Regina Melton regarding the composition of grants and research into funding opportunities.
“We have been trying to figure a way to address the areas that don’t have staff to write grants and research funding opportunities,” Melton said, “A lot of counties have their own economic directors. What we are trying to do is come up with a way to offer services at a cost small towns can afford.”
The cost would cover writing grants ranging from fire, recreation and tree planting, she said. It would be covered under a contract, which Melton gave the board to consider.
Melton told the board The District is on the list of every state department.
“If Mississippi has money available, we are one of the first to hear about it,” Melton said. “We also use a company, McAlister and Quinn, who are always looking for grants and outlines what might be appropriate.”
Poplarville Mayor Brad Necaise asked Melton, if a bundled cost proposal could be drawn up to include all the services the city may utilize, which includes mapping.
Necaise also mentioned to Melton that the city is looking for a way to blend the police and fire department into a safety complex and also looking for a way to finance a new public works building.
Melton told board members she would look into bundling costs. The Board voted to take her proposal under advisement.
In other action:
–– Poplarville Public Works Director Sam Hale reported on the status of the city’s splash pad. On July 29, 42 cubic yards of topsoil and four pallets of sod were placed at the splash pad and on August 2, 20 more pallets of sod were installed, he said.
“The splash pad project is now complete,” Hale said.
–– Poplarville Fire Chief Jonathan Head told the board about problems with the ladder truck. A pulley stripped off the shaft of the alternator, he said. The cost to repair the problem is about $3,000. Two sets of turnout gear were repaired, which will extend their use. Hydrant testing is nearing completion, except for some located on Hwy. 26 and Pearl River Community College.
–– The board awarded the bid for maintenance at Forest Lawn Cemetery to Poplarville’s Lawn Rescue. The cost per cut from March to October is $250 and $150 per cut from November to February.
–– The board approved the reinstatement of Poplarville part-time police officer Joe Stuart.
–– A public budget and tax levy hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, September 1 at 5 p.m. in the boardroom at City Hall.
The next Board of Aldermen meeting will be held on Tuesday, August 18 in the boardroom at City Hall.

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