Thank you dad

Published 7:00 am Friday, June 19, 2015

This weekend we will celebrate the most special men in our lives, our fathers.
For some, this can be a sad day, as their fathers have passed away or were absent from their childhood.
Thankfully, I will celebrate this Sunday with the man who has always been my rock.
My father is one of the most hardworking men I know. He is the oldest of 14 children and when he was about 12-years old, he began delivering newspapers to support the growing family. Through his efforts, he was able to ensure his family had food to eat and clothes to wear.
He attended Pearl River Community College and soon after, secured employment at the Naval Research Laboratory, located at the John C. Stennis Space Center. He has worked as a physical scientist there ever since.
Perhaps his most important role has been as my father. Although now he will probably tell you it’s being paw paw to my nephew.
Whenever I had a problem, I knew I could talk to him about it. The best thing about talking my problems out with him, was that he never sugar coated his advice. He told me the truth, whether I wanted to hear it or not.
I now know that’s what I needed. Had I been coddled or always set on a pedestal, I wouldn’t have had the courage to leave my beloved home to live on my own during my four years in Oxford at the University of Mississippi.
Sure, I’ve made mistakes along the way and I know I haven’t always made him happy, but I know he loves me unconditionally.
He worked all these years to ensure his little family had what they needed and even those extra items, like a trip to Disney World or Stone Mountain during the summer.
It’s always hard to find a gift for my dad, because he purchases everything he wants.
However, what he really needs can’t be bought. More than anything, I want to be able to find him a kidney so that he wouldn’t have to spend three days each week at a dialysis center.
I’ve always been incredibly grateful for my parents. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood or confidants.
In closing, I just want to thank my father for giving me life, the courage to pursue my dreams and infinite love.

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