Democratic Party of PRC to host political rally

Published 7:00 am Thursday, June 25, 2015

Saturday, the Democratic Party of Pearl River County will host its first political rally in Picayune.
Four years ago, a small group of people met to consider the reestablishment of a Democratic party in Pearl River County, Chairman Agnes Dalton said.
The group is responsible for running and certifying the primary elections, Dalton said. They also run the polls. During the year, participants encourage voter registration and solicit people to run for local offices. Since it’s inception, the group has grown to include 200 members.
The group is not allowed to participate in candidate’s campaign, Dalton said.
“We want to show the voters who the Democratic candidates are on county, district and state level,” Dalton said. “All of the local candidates will be there, as well as state level.”
Local candidates who will be in attendance include Circuit Clerk candidate Jeff Brady, Tax Collector candidate Shirley J. Walker Ceaser and Coroner hopeful David Brumfield.
There are seven Democratic candidates vying for the District I Supervisor seat including Jimmy Buckley, Patrick Collins, Cubby Dunston, Leavern Guy Jr., Donald Hart, Charles Edward Jones and Clinton Jordan.
District V Supervisor candidate Michael Thigpen will also be in attendance Saturday.
Several state candidates will be in attendance including Governor hopeful Dr. Valerie Short, Lt. Governor candidate Jelani Barr, State Auditor candidate Joce Pritchett and Public Service Commissioner hopeful Tom Blanton, Dalton said. A group will also be on hand to speak about Initiative 42, which concerns the government’s full funding of the Mississippi Adequate Education Program.
Food plates will be available for purchase during the rally for $8, Dalton said. The plates will include smoked ribs, coleslaw, baked beans, a roll, drink and dessert.
“Through our fundraising efforts, it is our goal to establish a scholarship fund for local students and set up an office to host classes on politics,” Dalton said.
The primary election will be held on Tuesday, August 4 and the general election will be held on Tuesday November 3, Dalton said. A runoff, if warranted, will be held two weeks after the general election.
The rally will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jack Read Park on Goodyear Boulevard.
Admission to the event is free and food tickets can be purchased from Dalton in Poplarville at 601-746-6020 and from Edward Hawkins in Picayune at 504-628-5182.
For more information about the Democratic Party of Pearl River County visit the website at, follow the group on Facebook at Pearl River County Democratic Party and Picayune Democratic Party and through Twitter at @prcdec. Contact Dalton by email at
Group meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the second floor courtroom conference room at the county buildings on Memorial Boulevard.

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