City plans for tour stop
Published 7:00 am Thursday, June 11, 2015

Tom Milar updates members of the business community on the plan to welcome the HotRod Power Tour, which will s top in Picayune on Friday.
City and business leaders are preparing for the HotRod Power Tour stop in Picayune on Friday.
The first wave of cars will enter Picayune around 10 a.m., with additional waves expected to occur over the next several hours.
“We are looking at them being here for 2-4 hours,” said Code Enforcement Officer Tom Milar.
The first 300 cars will be parked on Elizabeth Street. At press time, the plan is to park additional cars on West Canal Street, Quince Street and other side streets down to Goodyear Boulevard. Cars will then be triple parked on both sides of Goodyear Boulevard, said Milar.
It is still unknown exactly how many cars will stop in Picayune.
“We don’t know how many cars will be coming in at a time and parking,” said Milar.
The county will provide Picayune with eight trustees to help set up tents, tables and chairs at Crosby Commons on Thursday, said Milar.
“Crosby Commons will be the center point for the food and things like that, but zero cars will be parked there if we can avoid it,” said Milar.
Mississippi Power has made three different welcome banners for the tour, and Milar is encouraging local businesses to join in by making banners and welcoming the tour to Picayune.
“We are going to be a hospitality city on Friday,” said Milar. “If we welcome them in then they will want to come back.”
HotRod Power Tour Film crews will also arrive Friday, as well as the HotRod Power Tour Magazine who will be doing a photo shoot.
Milar advises city residents to avoid Goodyear Boulevard for the majority of the day as there will be road closures as needed. Anyone interested in volunteering Friday should meet in front of Hot Rod Heaven on Ruby Street at 9 a.m.