Aldermen discuss loose dogs in the city
Published 7:00 am Wednesday, June 3, 2015

CITY BUSINESS: The Poplarville Board of Aldermen heard from department leaders during Tuesday’s meeting.
Photo by Cassandra Favre
Tuesday, Poplarville Police Department Cpt. Rossie Creel presented the Poplarville Board of Aldermen with a current report regarding service calls statistics. The board also heard a splash pad construction update from Public Works Director Sam Hale.
During the past five months, the department completed 931 calls for service, Creel said. Of that number, 298 were traffic citations and 68 were traffic crashes, which included incidents on private properties.
Creel said the department also presented 10 cases to the grand jury Tuesday morning. Eight of those involved narcotics sales and the remaining two concerned forgery and felony DUI, he said.
The department has also received a number of complaints regarding dogs running loose through town, Creel said.
“We caught three dogs last week,” Creel said.” One was released back to its owner and two were taken to the veterinarian’s office. There are still more running loose, mainly in the north end of town. We are working diligently on this matter with the manpower that we have.”
In another matter, Hale told the board there is currently 440 feet of 3 inch water line now installed at the splash pad location and 400 cubic yards of sandy clay material has been placed where the pad will go.
“I’ve talked to a representative with Greater Southern Recreation and their crews may be on site during the first week of July,” Hale said. “Water Odyssey, who is supplying the apparatuses and equipment, is running two weeks behind on orders right now. We’ve got most of the utilities in place and are ready for them.”
In other action the board approved:
–– Travel costs for board attorney Nick Thompson to attend the Mississippi Municipal Attorney Conference in Biloxi from June 24 through 25.
–– Travel costs for Poplarville Public Works Director Sam Hale to attend water operator training in Biloxi from July 15 though 14.
The next board meeting will be held on June 16 in the boardroom at City Hall at 5 p.m.