The real MVP

Published 7:00 am Thursday, May 7, 2015

She’s my best friend, my secret keeper, my problem solver, my strength and my everything. She’s my mom, the real MVP.
In sports, MVP stands for most valuable player and my mom embodies that in every way.
My parents had four children, of which I am the only girl. Growing up, I was definitely a momma’s girl. In a house full of men it never mattered what the argument was about or even who was right, I was always on her side.
Of course, I went through my teenage girl phase of being strongly annoyed by everything she did, but at the end of the day there was no one in the world like her.
My mom is the one I call for everything. Before I moved here, I lived in Wyoming for five months. Winter in Wyoming is very different from winter in the south. There is snow…a lot of snow. As a Florida girl, I have never had to deal with the snow, so needless to say driving anywhere was always an adventure.
On my drive back to my house in Wyoming from Florida after Christmas break I had a run in with the snow. It had not only gotten dark outside, but it had also started to snow pretty hard. The road was icy, and it was hard to see anything so I pulled over on the interstate and considered my options.
I immediately did the thing I had always done, I called my mom. I was in Wyoming, and she was in Florida 2,000 miles away. What could she possibly do for me?
To make a very long story short, my mom called the local police who came and found me out on the interstate and towed me, my dog and my car to a nearby hotel. My mom is a woman who gets things done.
Ten years ago she opened a private school in Jacksonville, Fla., of which she is the administrator. I had the privilege of working for her for nine years, and watched her handle adversity time and time again with all the grace in the world.
My mom is everything I want to be when I grow up. Sometimes people tell me how much I am already like her, and to me there is no higher compliment.
I will not be able to go home this weekend and spend Mothers Day with my mom, so I just wanted her to know she’s my MVP.

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