Immunizations required before school starts
Published 7:00 am Thursday, May 28, 2015

PREVENTATIVE: Dr. J. Abraham Rodriguez holds two-month-old Weston as nurse Lorie Kilpatrick administers a shot.
Photo by Cassandra Favre
The 2014-2015 school year is winding down, but doctors’ say now is the time to get your child’s immunizations up-to-date for the upcoming school year.
The Mississippi State Department of Health requires children to be immunized before entering school or daycare.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 95 percent of parents nationwide choose to vaccinate their children, protecting them against potentially deadly diseases.
“Childhood vaccinations protect your child and those around them,” said MSDH State Epidemiologist Dr. Thomas Dobbs. “Immunizing now can avoid long lines later this summer.”
Vaccinations required for children in Mississippi entering school for the first time include diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, hepatitis B, measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox. There is also a requirement for any child entering the seventh grade to receive the Tdap vaccination.
Parents must provide their child’s school with a Certificate of Immunization Compliance from their local health department before the child can be admitted to school.
Parents are encouraged to check with their county health department concerning questions about which immunizations their child may need. Children 18 and younger who are eligible for the Vaccines for Children program can receive vaccinations for $10 each.
The MSDH accepts Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP and the State and School Employees’ Health Insurance Plan. For more information on immunizations, visit